Eulogy of the president
A very good day to all present.
Today is a special day because Tlalnepantla welcomes two great people (Bert and Sophie Hellinger) who are here for us and work with us.
Welcome to the Tierra de en medio - earth of the middle!
(Note: this is what the word Tlalnepantla means)
At present, countries, states, districts and communities are experiencing a great indifference towards life, the environment, the members of our society and the primary cell, the family.
This is because we see and experience generational conflicts to which we do not give the appropriate attribution, beginning with the recognition of our predecessors. We must honour them in order to resolve what we are currently experiencing. It sounds simple, but it is a work in which each of us must confront our own and provide answers. To find the way to the vastness, respect, openness, transparency, uniformity, steadfastness and sensitivity that we need as human beings. From a real and responsible ethics that will put an end to the signs and symptoms of an indifferent, apathetic society that harms us all. The cure for this is bonding with our family systems.
Admiring is honoring and honoring allows us to continue learning.
That is why I am proud that the founder of Family Constellations and Systemic Therapy, Bert Hellinger and his wife Sophie are present here. Sophie is also a very special woman, an extraordinary wife, mother and grandmother. She shows and confirms that mutual support in a partnership generates strength and growth. This, in turn, provides the impulse for new areas, new fields and new ideas.
In recent years, they have worked together in the service of the international community and especially with the families of Tlalnepantla de Baz. With a deep and loving gaze they have promoted the movement of the Spirit-Soul of the family systems that inhabit the earth of the middle.
Today I have the honor and privilege to be part of the community system for the integral development of the families of Tlalnepatla de Baz. My appreciation to Bert and Sophie Hellinger for what they have given us through their researches of the family systems. In their application, this vision has allowed me to integrate with respect and a loving view each and every family of this beautiful community, giving an appropriate response without violating the order of each member.
Therefore, I take the liberty of saying that the DIF Tlalnepantla de Baz and the Hellingers are at the service of the families, in order to strengthen the values of a society, taking into account its origins, by learning and recognizing what all the generations have accomplished, by interacting with each other, that opens the way to a reliable Tlalnepantla.
"Our eyes must be focused on the work for the next generations, humbly from our place, each in their own."
I would not like to miss the opportunity to express my appreciation and special thanks to Mr Alfonso Malpica and Angélica Olvera, founders of the CUDEC group. It is to them that we owe this link with Bert and Sophie Hellinger. The Cudec Group is deeply rooted and enjoys high prestige in this community. They have managed to make the name Tlalnepantlas known throughout the world, through courses, workshops, specialty and master trainings with this systemic approach. Thank you and congratulations for the beautiful work you are also doing for the families of Tlalnepantla.
I would like to finish with this sentence:
The family is like a forest; when you stand outside you only see the density, when you are in the middle you see that every tree has its own place to give love - and even more.
Speech on the topic: Systemic work for the families of Tlalnepantla
Presidium: Mr Pablo Basáñez García, Mr Bert Hellinger, Mrs Sophie Hellinger, Mr Alfonso Malpica Cárdenas, Mrs Angélica Olvera de Malpica