The first step to a fulfilling happy life!

Learning Topics:

Emotional Intelligence: The ability to recognize, understand, and regulate your own emotions, as well as to feel empathy for others.

Self-Management: Effective time and stress management, self-motivation, and discipline to achieve personal goals.

Health: Awareness of physical and mental health, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and managing stress.

Financial Literacy: Understanding money management, budgeting, investing, and debt management.

Social Skills: The ability to build and maintain healthy relationships, communication, and conflict resolution.

Crisis Management: Handling difficult life situations such as loss, failure, or change, and developing resilience.

Self-Empowerment: Replacing insecurity with confidence, and fear with freedom.

The Life Skills Certificate

includes the Following Seminars

Module 1: Development of Family Constellations/Basic Knowledge

The 4 phases of today’s Original Hellinger® Family Constellations:
Application of constellation work.

Basic principles of systemic constellation work:
The history of family constellations and the insights that make this method so powerful and effective.

Constellations and additional strategies
Problem-solving and personal development.

Module 2: Systemic Laws

The Orders of Love:
Systemic rules: belonging, balance, and hierarchy, which are crucial for inner harmony and healing within family systems.

The Fundamental Laws of Life:
The principles of life as identified by Bert Hellinger and discover their impact on relationships, the professional environment, and family dynamics.

Module 3: Our Roots, our MOTHER

All topics concerning the mother:
Our origin and our development.
Our mother - our success.
Our relationships depend on our connection to the mother.

Early childhood traumas:
Separation from mother or child

Module 4: Our Origins, Our FATHER

All topics related to the father:
The role of the father.
The father's place within the family structure.
The father: tyrant or hero?

Consequences for Children:
Effects of the father's presence or absence.
Unknown father, Sperm donor.

Module 5: Partnership – How Love Endures

Love – Separation – How Love Succeeds:
Challenges in a partnership
Divorce and Death

Relationship Work:
Strengthening a partnership
Ending a partnership

Module 6: Health and Illness

Basic Knowledge:
Exploring systemic connections
Causes of health and illness

Healing Processes:
How constellations can contribute to healing and recovery

Notes and Explanations

In the context of the Life Skills Certificate, the seminars are referred to as "modules."
Requirements for Seminar Participation: Enrollment in the "Life Skills Certificate" course. No prior knowledge required.
Certification: Life Skills Certificate
Duration: Approximately 1 year
Seminar Dates: Find and book dates at
Start: Enrollment possible at ANY TIME
Special Feature: The "Life Skills Certificate" course can be fully completed online, if desired.